Iktissab Loyalty Program
Given Iktissab’s unprecedented success as a Loyalty Program in Saudi Arabia- where today more than a million customers subscribe to and are members of the program- it was only necessary to ensure the program’s availability for a stronger launch of Al Othaim Markets in Egypt. The purpose of the Iktissab Program is to strengthen the relationship between Al Othaim and its valued customers through offering special benefits to the card-holders. Such benefits include direct discounts on most favored items, cash savings through a percentage of the purchases added to the card directly, and lots of other advantages. In essence, Iktissab aims at developing the customer’s shopping trip to a more enjoyable experience, at the very least, through proactively catering to the customer’s needs!
Get the special benefits of Iktissab through
  • An opportunity to take advantage of special offers and outstanding discounts for Iktissab customers on many items displayed at Al Othaim
  • The opportunity to receive special offers of Al Othaim early before other non-Iktissab customers by e-mail or text messages and take advantage of these offers before others.
  • The opportunity to benefit from festivals, rewards and special gifts tailored for Iktissab-only customers.
  • Is a guaranteed way for offering multiple services to the clients of Al Othaim Markets with a competitive edge unavailable elsewhere.
  • A shift from the primary/ traditional services to more quality-oriented services to bring in an overall new concept of shopping.
  • Contributes to ease the financial burden for all clients of ALOTHAIM.
  • Promote developmental belonging to the concept of marketing across the different segments of society.