Iktissab Loyalty Program
The company has launched a loyalty card (IKTISSAB) in the year 2004, and continued development processes, the identity and the mechanism and operational systems have, in the month of November of the year 2011, the company launched ALOTHAIM card to acquire the new entity, which included a development of form and content, content, and policy and mechanism version and operating, and the replacement mechanism Add points cash balances according to precise criteria by the automated system, the center was established communication and Web site acquisition and application of smart devices to gain customer service and card activation and management of communication with customers
And get the special benefits of Iktissab
  • Opportunity to take advantage of special offers and discounts for outstanding Iktissab customers and up to 50 % on many items displayed in ALOTHAIM
  • Opportunity to take advantage of the many offers and discounts provided by participating retailers acquire customers own us and include restaurants and shops brands global brand and Saffori land( the cities of entertainment for the family ) and others.
  • The opportunity to receive special offers for ALOTHAIM early before customers outside the Iktissab by E-mail or text messages and take advantage of these offers before any other.
  • The opportunity to benefit from the festivals , awards and rewards for the agents to acquire
Iktissab Loyalty Program
  • The provision of multiple services and a variety of clients in accordance with the ALOTHAIM Company competitives.
  • The shift from the primary services to quality services and overall concept of the new shopping.
  • Contribute to ease the financial burden for all clients ALOTHAIM.
  • Promote developmental belonging to the concept of marketing to segments of society.